The weekend is here, put away your phone and PLAY!
I have to say it's kinda sad when the Hubs and have gone out to our local restaurant, or taken a leisurely walk through our parks trails lately. We see so many folks that have their heads buried inside their phones or tablets, while their kids are begging for their parents attention, wanting them to play chase, slide down the slide, pretend to be the monster guarding the princess castle, or to simply watch and cheer while they perform their latest trick on the monkey bars.
Couples that don't speak through an entire meal at restaurants and barely take time to put down their phones long enough to eat, let alone enjoy each others company and conversation, has become the norm.
Is social media creating an anti-social generation? One day soon, these playful moments will be gone and you'll wonder, not only where the time went, but where your children learned to prefer their gadgets. to the company, of the people they love.
This weekend, instead of using your phone to communicate with those you aren't with, use it to to take a photo, of a memory, of those you treasure enough to be with.
Have a happy and playful weekend!Â
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