You may have noticed a change in wording for the Smith's Mega Sale in your weekly ad. It's advertised as Buy 5 or more save $1 per item. This is an AWESOME change, and it means we no longer have to count our mega items to make sure we are buying increments of specific numbers. Instead of requiring you to buy in increments of 5, after the first 5 you purchase, all other participating items will reflect the $1 off per item mega savings. So if you buy 6, you save $6, and so forth.
This week we'll save $1 per item when we buy 5 or more in a single transaction. You can mix & match the mega items store-wide and no longer have to count your items! Super exciting news! This will also make ordering curbside pick-up easy when it comes to mega event items. You will not have to worry about your mega savings when an item is substituted.
Oh hallelujah! So grateful for that!
Sue, we agree! Such a good change!