One of my favorite stores to save money at is Walgreens. When you combine their in store coupons and register rewards program with weekly sales and manufacturer's coupons you can walk out of the store with some super bargins. Here are some tips that will make your Walgreens shopping easier.
1-Stacking Coupons: Walgreens does allow you to use both Walgreens coupons and manufacturer’s coupons for the same item. It is important to know however, that you must have at least the same number of items as coupons. For example: let’s say you have a manufacturer’s coupon for $1.00/1 Gillette Body Wash for Men and there is a Walgreens coupon for $1.00/1 (limit 2) on the same item. Let’s pretend Gillette Body Wash for Men is on sale for $2.99. So your oop should be $0.99. However, since you are using 2 coupons you will need to get a second item. Your 2nd item can be anything. Pencil’s or packs or gum are good “filler items”. Now let’s say you have the $1.00/1 Puffs tissue coupon and Walgreens has a coupon for Puffs for .89 (limit 3) which makes 1 box of Puffs less than free. The best way to make a purchase when there will be an overage, is to buy 2 boxes of Puffs. Your total oop will be .78 or just .39 per box.
**Filler item: Walgreens requires that you purchase 1 item for each manufacturers coupon you have. A Register Reward is considered a manufactures coupon. So, you will have to purchase a small “filler item”. A Walgreens coupon does NOT count towards your coupon to product ratio.
2-Register Rewards (RR): A register reward at Walgreens is a coupon offered by the manufacturer that prints out at the register when you buy specific items. They are good for a certain dollar amount on your next purchase. So let’s go back to the Gillette Body Wash. Let’s say there is a $2.00 RR being offered when your buy 2. And, you have (2) of the $1.00/1 manufacturer’s coupons. Your transaction would look like this. Buy 2 Body Wash's for $5.98 ($2.99 each). Hand over your 2 manufacturer’s coupons takes $2.00 off, hand over your Walgreens coupon takes $2.00 more dollars off. So, your oop is $1.98. But, at the end of your transaction you will get a $2.00 RR (for buying 2) good for anything in the store on your next transaction. Remember since you are using 3 coupons, you will need to get a filler item.
3-Using Register Reward: So, now you’re thinking “cool, I have 4 manufacturer coupons. I’ll use my $2.00 reward and do the same thing again to get more body wash for free. WRONG! Your register reward can be used to purchase more of the same items again, but you WILL NOT get a 2nd RR. This is so people cannot do what is called “circle buying”. However, if you have 2 more manufacturer’s coupons you can do the transaction again pay the $1.98 and get another $2.00 RR. And, you can use the RR to pay for other items that have offers of RR. (Note: Your RR will not pay for tax. So, make sure when you use it your items total the amount of your RR.) Watch out, your register rewards do have expiration dates and they don’t make exceptions.
3- Balance Rewards – Balance Rewards is a program where you can enroll in-store, online or via the mobile app and earn points and special savings. Balance Rewards Members will earn points with the purchase of specified products and/or services during specified promotions periods.
These points can be earned with in-store or online purchases. The points convert to redemption dollars. You can learn more about Balance Rewards and sign up for your card here.
4-One last little trick: I have found that transactions go smoother if you hand over your manufacturer’s coupons first, then the Walgreens coupons. It helps keep the computer from beeping which makes for a smoother transaction.
5-Where to find the Walgreens coupons: First, your weekly add. It comes in Sunday’s paper and they usually have plenty on hand in the store. Second, Walgreens monthly coupon booklet (see list of this months coupons below), pick it up in the store. Along with their monthly issue of Diabetes and You this is usually found at the pharmacy (you may have to ask the Pharmacist for it). Third, watch for in store weekly coupons. They are usually at the front of the store with the ads. And finally, look on line. Link here, type in your zip code and look for extra on line coupons on the right of the page. Note, at some point during the month the items that match the Walgreens coupons usually go on sale. So get the coupons at the first of every month then watch for the things you use to go on sale and you will be amazed at you savings.
6-Walgreens runs out of sale products FAST!! I've found that most Walgreens stock once during the sale. Ask your Walgreens what day the truck comes in. My Walgreens restocks on Tuesdays, so I do most of my shopping on that morning. I have pretty good luck finding the product that day. You won't be able to get rainchecks for items that have a RR.
7-Walgreens corporate coupon policy. Walgreens has a very specific corporate coupon policy. You can view and print it here.You may even want to take it with you to the store.