From the archives – Originally posted October 5, 2013.
We're going to try starting something new, “Simple Saturday” posts. Your Coupons4Utah deal finders have all kinds of hidden talents, that don't always included finding that coupon or deal. So, on Saturday's, we'll take a break from the deals and share a simple and fun cooking or crafting or otherwise post of interest, that really has “nothing to do with coupons”. Hopefully, you'll find them entertaining and useful.
With Halloween on the approach, we thought this a fun and easy way to decorate your pumpkin that's out of the norm. To make this guy, you just need a couple of Ping Pong balls (Glow in the Dark, Yellow or White), craft eyes, toothpicks and something to light up your masterpiece. I used finger lights, but glow sticks or one of those single clip lights with a green or purple light in it would work well.
Clean your pumpkin and carve the word “BOO” out on him. At the top edge of your opening, slightly round out two areas where the eyeballs will rest and stick in the toothpicks.
Pumpkin carving tip: After carving your pumpkin, cover him loosely with foil (don't use plastic wrap) and store it in the fridge for 2-3 days. The sliminess of the inside will dry slightly and that makes it easier to clean up the edges.
For the eyeballs: With the tip of a knife or all, poke a small hole in the Ping Pong ball, making sure any branding on the ball will face towards the back and put them on your pumpkin. It also helps to stabilize the eyes if you glue them together with a dab of hot glue in between.
Draw some bloodshot squiggle lines with a sharpie and glue on the craft eyes. Now simply add your lights, prop the top on and enjoy your Ghostly Pumpkin.
If you missed it, visit this post found here for some great ways to decorate your pumpkin without any craving at all.
I can only “Imagine” how cute this in person.