I have another neat website to share with you. It's called Juice in the City. And, this one is created and run by the people that know what Mom's want….Mom's!
I've been watching this site for a while now and it's pretty cool. Each day they tell you about a “not so common” thing to do either with the kids or just when you need some mom time…or just a fun “kick in the pants”.
And, they are extremely creative! Their features are not only budget friendly & fun ideals, but written with a great sense of humor.
I'm very excited because Juice in the City is going to start offering daily deals for Utah! Being on the ground floor we get to have input on what kind of deals they offer. And, by we I mean you ladies out there! You are going to want to get signed up right away! You get $10.00 to use on your first purchase when you refer a friend. You know how far $10.00 goes on a daily deal site. You'll easily score something FREE. What they are hoping for is for you to visit the site and if you like the activity you see just click on the button. This way they get to find out what we want. Today's article is about Pirate Island in Orem. Check it out and learn how to get your $10.00 bonus here.
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