There are some great new Staples Coupons available today to help you pick up your Couponing necessities! These coupons are perfect for those that have been looking to add to or set up a coupon binder.
One of the products that caught my eye are the Staples 3 Pocket, Heavy Duty Clear Coupon Pages, 5″ x 8, on sale this week for $2.99 for a 10 page pack. I actually keep my coupons in a hand me down Day planner and have been wrestling with pouches. I'll defiantly be checking these out. (stay tuned).
The best feature I see about both the large and small pages is that they have 3 pockets on each side. Unlike the currency holders that only have 3 pockets on one side. Plus, with the 50% off the large sheets are lower in price than Amazon.
Here's a list of all the available items.
Use the 50% off all Couponing Sheet Protectors printable coupon
Pay $1.50 per pack after coupon
Staples 3 Pocket Couponing Pages, 8 1/2 x 11 – $3.99
Use the 50% off all Couponing Sheet Protectors printable coupon
Pay $2 per pack after coupon
Pay as low as $1.75

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