I have shared before that my family loves popcorn and we often make popcorn on Sunday nights to munch on as we hang out as a family watching movies. This Soft Caramel Popcorn recipe came from a dear friend from church but we have tweaked it over the years. One of the things I love is that it isn't baked in the oven, so it saves time and keeps it nice and soft!
Pop 1 1/4 cups unpopped popcorn in a hot air popcorn popper. I do it in batches of 1/2 cup, 1/2 cup and 1/4 cup. After I sift through it to get out any unpopped kernels, I transfer it to my big black roasting pan. Ha, we probably use our roasting pan for large batches of popcorn way more than we use it for turkey!
My Presto Hot Air Popcorn Popper has lasted for years and runs just under $20. It's a great choice if you are looking to buy one.
The first step is to melt the butter in a large saucepan. Then add brown sugar and corn syrup. Turn heat to medium-high and bring to a boil stirring frequently.
Remove the pan from the heat and add a can of sweetened condensed milk. Be sure to stir swiftly and constantly as you add the condensed milk. Put it back on the stove and bring to boil again, stirring constantly. Boil for 3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and add vanilla and stir.
Pour over popped popcorn and stir until all of the popcorn is covered. Serve!
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