Smith's is having a mini Buy 4 Save $4 Instantly sale on select candy bags. Pair the sale with some RESET printable candy coupons to pick up 4 bags for as low as $0.70 each!
Smith's Deal:
Buy 4 bags of Jolly Rancher Candies = $6.00
Use (2) $1.60/2 Jolly Rancher or Twizzlers Snack Size Bags (9 oz+) (RESET)
Pay $2.80 or $0.70 per bag- HOT Price!
Smith's Deal:
Buy 4 bags of Hershey's Brand Snack Size Candy Bars = $8.00
Use (2) $1.10/2 Hershey's Snack Size Bags (9-22 oz) (RESET)
Pay $5.80 or $1.45 each!
**NOTE: ALL varieties of Mars, Nestle and Hershey's Fun Size Bags are included in the Buy 4 Save $4 regardless of being tagged on the shelf. All the varieties of Jolly Ranchers candy bags have been tested for this deal successfully!
So I am kind of new to this, it says to get the sale price I need to buy 4, but the coupons say limit one coupon per purchase? How can you use both coupons to get the best deal?
One coupon per purchase means you can only use 1 coupon for the quantities your purchasing that’s specified on the coupon (in this case 2 bags). So, if you are purchasing 4 bags you can use 2 coupons. If the coupon said one coupon per transaction, that would mean you can only use 1 coupon for the whole transaction. Does that make sense?
That does, thanks!
This deal is even better at Target!
Buy 4 bags of Hershey’s Brand Snack Size Candy Bars = on sale 2/$5.00
Use (2) $1.10/2 Hershey’s Snack Size Bags (9-22 oz)
Stack with (2) Target coupon for $1.50/2 Hershey’s Brand Snack Size Candy Bars
Pay $4.80 or $1.20 each!
I also read there was a $1.50/2 manufacturer coupon in the 9/28 SS but mine was $1.50/3 so I don’t know if that was regional. If you have that coupon they’d be even cheaper at Target, just $1 each!
That’s great Lindsay. Thanks for sharing!