Here is the current updated list of Smith's Coupon Deals
Week 3/26 – 4/1/2014.
This is the second and final week of the Buy 5 Save $5 Instantly at Checkout Mega Sale. All participating mega sale items are marked with ** asterisk, and as always the price listed is AFTER Mega Savings discount.
Favorites include FREE Reach Toothbrush, Speedstick Deodorant for $0.09, FREE Dove Men + Care, Huggies Baby Wipes for $0.49, Dial Body Lotion for $0.99, Schick Razors for $1.99, Honey Bunches of Oats $0.49, Sara Lee Snacks $0.99, Blue Diamond Almond Breeze for $0.99, Kroger Non Stick Spray $0.99- NO COUPONS + more. Check it out AND….
The kelloggs with a touch of fruit are not $1.99.
Thanks! I’ll fix that!