Rayovac has partnered with CARS2 to offer a rewards program to earn FREE movie tickets to see Cars2.
Enter the code from the specially marked Rayovac package on the Rayovac/Cars website :
3 codes = 1 FREE Movie Ticket
2 codes = $6 off Movie Ticket purchase
1 code = $3 off Movie Ticket Purchase
Rayovac AA 10 ct batteries priced $5.97 (be sure to get the specially marked packages)
Use the $1/1 Rayovac coupon PRINT
Pay $4.97
If you do this deal a total of 3 times: you get a FREE Movie Ticket, 30 batteries for a total of $14.91 + tax out of pocket.
If you go to early birds shows is better to get 2 $6 off movie tickets because the means 2 FREE movies. I think it will work better for me. Thanks