Have you discovered Saving Star? We have a lot of new coupon users on the site and with the holidays approaching, it seemed like a good time to offer some reminders.
Saving Star is a coupon website that offers coupons that load directly to your Smith's or Rite Aid shoppers card. However, there is a slight difference for the traditional coupon websites.
Instead of the coupon value coming off at checkout they add the savings into a special account. Once you have accumulated at least $5 you can request the money be sent to you via Paypal, direct bank deposit or Amazon Gift card. Start right now and you'll be able to accumulate some extra Christmas Cash!
I have been using this site for a couple of years now and it works like a charm! Simply provide them with your Smith's shoppers card number and choose the coupons for your needs, then shop as normal. It's a set it and forget it kind of thing.
There are some awesome coupons on site right now and it's 100% FREE, be sure to take a look.
Smart Phone users, after setting up your account, you may want to get the app (iTunes, Android). That way, you can check for new offers before hitting the checkout lane.
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