Today, I have a little trick/life hack that you will want to know if you have hard time keeping deer out of your flower or vegetable garden.

If you live in the foothills or in one of Utah's mountain valley's, you may have a hard time keeping the deer and other little critters out of your garden. After you've spent so much time, effort AND money on your beautiful flower or vegetable garden, it is so discouraging to have deer and other little creatures nibbling on your plants and flowers.
This trick is super cheap and super easy….just hang the soap from a tree or shave small pieces around your garden and the deer and other little critters will stay away! We have tested this at our family cabin this summer and have found it to work, despite having regular visitors just like the one above! Yay for an inexpensive solution that works! Hopefully this will work for your pests too. Do you have a trick for keeping the deer away?
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