This is a project we made back in my Girl Scout leader days. It has been something that we've continued so, I thought I would share. It's a fun earth friendly project that kids especially enjoy.
We like to start with homemade fire starters. They are quick and easy to make and they are handy for lighting both, charcoal and wood fires. All you need is some dryer lint (it's highly flammable), some wax (it holds the heat) and some wax paper. Roll the lint and some wax shavings in the waxed paper and you are set to go.
For the charcoal, we use a Chimney starter. You can purchase these at most home stores for around $20 – $30. Amazon currently has them for around $15.
Put a crumpled piece of newspaper in the bottom and fill with charcoal. Stick your fire starters in the vent holes and light. In about 20 minutes you'll have the perfect charcoals ready for grilling. Just dump them into your grill.
(photo credit @opentutorial.com)
At this point, I want to mention, you can make your own Chimney Starters with a coffee can and a clothes hanger. It's very simple to do and requires no special tools. We did this during my Girl Scout rein and it works great, although, it doesn't really hold enough charcoal for a big grill, it's a wonderful project for Scout groups. Find the instructions on opentutorial.com.
In closing, I want to add, it's currently 8 am and I'm sure the neighbors are wondering why I'm grilling at 8 o'clock on Friday morning in my PJ's. The big question for me is, “what's for breakfast?”
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