So many people make New Year's Resolutions regarding saving money and losing weight but an expensive gym membership can be ruining your budget goals. You really can get healthier and save money if you are creative this year! Here are a few tips to help you drop your gym membership and exercise for free!
Tip #1 – YouTube Videos: There are literally millions of FREE exercise videos accessible on YouTube! You can search for specific types of exercises (yoga, pilates, hiit…) or exercises for men/women/ beginners or exercises with specific equipment that you already have (resistance bands, balance ball, weights…). Another benefit is that you can access YouTube from a tablet or phone even when you are on vacation. There is so much variety, you are sure to find something just for you!
Tip #2 – Borrow Exercise Books/DVD from Local Library: Libraries are great resources for so many things including fitness/exercise books, healthy cookbooks and workout DVD's. Check out your local library for inspiration!
Tip #3 – Neighborhood or Church Groups: If you like to workout with others in a class setting, ask your friends and neighbors if they know of any free neighborhood or church exercise groups. I know of several groups in my area that meet at local churches to do Zumba and Interval Workouts. Better yet, get a few friends together and start your own group.
Tip #4 – Walking/Running Outside: Let's not forget that walking and running outdoors doesn't require any special equipment or fees and the fresh air can help clear your mind. Obviously, depending on the time of year, you need to be aware of safety, weather and air quality but walking or running is a great way to get moving without costing any money. If weather/safety is an issue, you may want to walk at your local indoor mall instead.
Tip #5 – Free Printable Workouts: If strength training is what you are looking for search for “printable workouts” on Pinterest or Google. You can find a ton of printable workouts online that you can follow that teach strength training or target a certain area of the body. Plus, you don't need to have special weights for these workouts, just use canned food or water bottles instead of hand weights.
Tip #6 – Free Exercise Videos on Amazon Prime & Netflix: You may already be paying for services that can help you workout at home. If you have Amazon Prime Video or Netflix, you can get free exercise videos right on your own TV for no additional cost.
Tip #7 – Free Workplace Gym: If you are lucky, your workplace may offer an in-office gym as a perk to its employees. If your employer offers this benefit, it can save you both money and travel time over going to a regular gym.
Tip #8 – Access to a Swimming Pool: If you have access to a free swimming pool (neighborhood pool, backyard, apartment complex…), then you have a great low impact exercise option either swimming laps or doing water aerobics.
Tip #9 – Free Apps: If you are like most people with a smart phone, you probably have it with you most of the time and that means you can have workouts right at your fingertips too. Some great apps to consider are, Seven (7 minute workouts that require no special equipment), Vandersoft Couch to 5K, Daily Workouts/Simply Yoga and Nike Training Club.
Disclaimer: If going to a traditional gym in working well for you and you are using your membership regularly then it is probably a great investment! However, if you aren't taking full advantage of that membership or must cut out unnecessary expenses we hope this list will help you.
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