Do you follow Coupons4Utah via Facebook?
Staying up to date with Facebook can be hard. Facebook determines what they show in your feed based on many things, the pages you like, the interaction you have with pages, how often you “like” a post, are just a few.
Facebook has added a new feature where now you can control how many of our posts you see.
Here's how to control how many of a company's posts you see on Facebook
#1 – Go to our Facebook page
#2 – Hover over the “Liked” button (don't click)
#3 – Click on “Settings”
Select the setting of your choice, All Updates, Most Updates, and Only Important. Now, what we don't know, is how Facebook determines what is meant by “Only Important” updates. If you don't want to miss anything, I'm going to recommend you select “All Updates“.
Important Note and Question:
How many posts do we make a day? This has been an issue we have discussed MANY times in our camp. The reason being, I personally, don't like a company that clutters my feed with too many posts. So, with that in mind, we usually only publish reminders to visit the site and time sensitive items we think won't last, along with random Facebook fun.
However, I've had MANY requests for more Facebook posts. I know of blogs, that post every single blog post they make. It was too many for me and I ended up “unliking” some of my favorite blogs. We don't want that!
What do you guys think? How many of our posts would you like to see on Facebook? Please, give your feedback in the comment section. Thanks!
I agree – I think posting every single blog post is too much. Just the time sensitive ones is what I prefer.
I think you post a goode amoount. I visit the blog regularly so I see most of what you post as well. I don’t think you over post but I agree some blogs really do over post every detail.
Hope that helps
I am okay with how it is now, but I also check your blog regularly everyday.