Are you constantly trying to find fun activities that appeal to a wide age range? When it comes to family fun, it’s hard to find common ground. For some of the area’s more popular choices, it seems as if we have to mortgage the house to include everyone.
If your wallet is already wheezing at the expense summer vacation will surely bring, now is the time to discover the latest crazy to hit your favorite park. It’s disc golf. It’s easy to try; it’s fun for all ages—and it’s free.
As more parks are adding courses, it’s becoming easier than ever to enjoy a pleasant afternoon at a variety of locations. To make the most of this experience, here are some things to remember.
1. Take a look at a map:
As the popularity of disc golf expands, many online sites offer detailed maps of courses and distance markers. Some sites include score cards, too.
2. Bring extra discs:
At the risk of sounding a tad irreverent regarding the rules of the game, my one-dollar Whamo Frisbee worked just fine when a water hazard was certain to claim my Frisbee. Discs are relatively expensive. It’s around 24 dollars for a set of three discs, so while its helpful to own disc golf gear, a few extra bargain discs won’t detract from the game.
3. There are no amenities at disc golf courses:
That’s right. It’s a park. The services are limited. If you are hoping for a cart or a snack shack, you will be sorely surprised. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and clothing, and bring lots of water.
4. Bring your friends:
This is an occasion where the more involved creates a merrier time. It’s a good idea to honor the foursome format, but the sky is the limit on how many groups can be a part of the fun. Keep in mind, however, the rules of etiquette are in full-swing. Don’t barge into the games of other people, be quiet when players tee off, don’t allow your dog to sniff around other people’s stuff —you get the idea.
If you are running out of ideas on active fun for your family, try disc golf. It’s a great time for all ages, it’s easy to do, and it’s free. When it comes to enjoying a day at the park in a new way, disc golf is flipping awesome.

Visit the Disc Golf Scene for a list of Disc Golf locations. For more information on the growing sport of disc golf in Utah, the Utah County Disc Golf Club and the Southern Utah Disc Golf Association are on Facebook. There's also a Facebook group called Disc Golf Utah. Please leave a comment if there are any others.
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