Reminder. It's week three of the Zagg's Giveaway make sure you get entered – these are great prizes! is having a special 12 weeks of Christmas giveaway. There will be a total of $25,000 worth of prizes for winners each week from now until Christmas. Your chances of winning are good right now while it's so early in the contest. Prizes include iPods, $400.00 Best Buy Gift cards, iPads and even a 46″ TV and an iMac! I hope I win. I'd love to have a giveaway with my prize!
ZAGG is a Utah based company that makes those invisible shields that protect the screens of your phone and other devices. You've probably seen them at the Kiosks in the mall. I have one on my camera I keep in my pocket. It works great. I think it's the only reason I can actually make out what I'm trying to photograph!
GO HERE to enter. There's no purchase required and it's quick to enter. Just an email address and name. For extra chances you can Facebook and Twitter. Plus, they send you a discount code after you enter. Since there are so many chances to win, I went ahead and put a quick link on the side bar of our page so you'll remember next week.
A Coupons 4 Utah person is going to win! I can just feel it in my old creaky bones!
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