I went to lunch with some Mailman friends of mine on the day of last weeks food drive and a conversation ensued about Extreme Couponing and the show that's on TLC.
This long time friend of mine proceeded to tell me about a day he was behind a couponer in line at the check out and the huge pile of “CRAP FOOD” on the belt and the pile of coupons she then turned over to the cashier. His biggest complaint, of course, was the time it took for her to check out and his amazement continued on all the “JUNK FOOD” she was buying.
I laughed and said “let me guess, Boulder Potato Chips, Quaker Snack Cakes, Ritz Crackers, Cereal, Propel Water and lets not forget Pasta!” He proceeded to tell me yes, 21 bags of chips! (hum, that's a lot of computers!?, 10 and 1/2 to be exact) My friend then went on about the show and how “Crazy” the people on it were!” What surprised me most about the whole conversation, I was with 6 Letter Carriers and everyone of them had watched the show at least once! Ouch!…..
I myself experienced a similar scene at Smith's during this same week. Only, I was the one buying the groceries. I had 20 participating mega event items, a variety of mix and match (only 2 bags of chips) along with produce, meat, milk and few other things I needed, Ken's dressing, Yogurt and Relish among them. When it came time for the coupons, I handed them over with my usual smile only to hear an 8 or 9 year old child behind me, say to his mother “Ohhhh, these Extreme couponers are totaling stripping the shelf,” obviously mimicking his mothers words. True story…. 🙁 Me?…. an EXTREME couponer. Ouch…
The backlash of the show is just beginning. Let me start by clarifying, for those new to the site, I built this website on the ONE rule. One computer, One Newspaper and One Weekly Circular. I took on that attitude way before the show first reared it's ugly head. Why? I'm a recovered Extreme Couponer. I realized very early, it just isn't realistic, it's compulsive and addictive behavior at it's best. Let's face it keeping food under the bed and a grocery store in your garage in real life is obsessive. I'm quite certain, even Dr. Phil, who has had an Extreme Couponer on his show, would agree. I come from Utah, the land of food storage Pioneers. If folks here in Utah realize that…We'll, I rest my case.
My stockpile is as beautiful as my kids.
Knowing first hand the hours it takes to plan and execute that kind of coupon use, it makes me feel bad for the children of these families. Time spent clipping and planning, rather than playing ball or reading can never be recovered. I had a literal tear in my eye when one of the mothers on the show proclaimed “Look at my stockpile, it's as beautiful as my kids.” Ouch!!!…Hey mom, your kids are going to see that. I can think of nothing even close to the beauty of my children and grandchild, but if something were to come close, it wouldn't be a pile of food, no matter how evenly the labels are lined up. It still makes me sick and yes, EXTREMELY sad.
Extreme couponing has become BIG business for the folks from the show. Most of them have websites that experience an EXTREME traffic boost after the show airs. Some even receive appearances on nationally syndicated television shows. Both mean big money. One of the first people to appear on the show, offered to pay me to send traffic to their website. Which, before the show aired, I accepted, I no longer do.
Okay, so it's interesting enough. What does it mean to you? If you don't use coupons, do you think you won't be affected? Think again.
1- Coupon fraud is up. Some of the people on the show are under suspicion for using coupons in violation of the terms and conditions of the coupon by obtaining products other than those specified on the coupon. Cast members of the show seem to have obtained large amounts of coupon inserts from unknown sources. That raises legal questions in itself. Where did these coupons come from? Fraudulent coupon activity will mean higher prices for you at the store. With or without a coupon.
2- Smart Source creates task force. They now reserve the right to spot check distributors of coupons. (ie. newspapers) to make sure that coupons are being destroyed properly. Huge fines will be issued to those that are found in violation. Special reporting has been set up that the newspapers are required to follow. They could loose their right to distribute coupons all together if they are caught in violation. This could result in higher newspaper prices for you. Even if you don't use coupons.
3- Coupon values have decreased. This is a hard one for us here in Utah to swallow. If you pay attention to my Walgreens matches, I'm sure you've noticed that often we don't get the coupons the rest of the country does because our coupon use is higher than the rest of the country. Now, instead of a decreased value, we aren't getting them at all.
4- Store policy's and attitudes are changing. Smith's has announced because of excessive fraud they will no longer accept more than two printable coupons for the same items. I guess getting 21 bags of chips is out of the question. Can you blame them? They are losing a vast amount of money because people are illegally photo copying coupons.
4- Coupon “fine print” has changed. Now you will be limited to the number coupons you can use per transaction.
Some of these changes are for the good and I welcome the fine tuning the stores and manufacturers have done to clarify for us and protect themselves. I watched one of the original cast members of Extreme Coupons on a popular national morning show, talking about how and where to get coupons. She was happy to tell people “print them, it's like printing money” making it sound like an EXTREME FREE for all. But, never once mentioned print limits or fraudulent use to the millions of viewers tuning in.
What can you do?
1- Stop watching the show. If the 100's of 1000's of good coupon users stop watching the ratings will fall. Myself, I find it boring and redundant. It's the same story, same grocery hoarding, same “look at my obsessive labels all neat in a row” and my “Bible” the coupon binder, “my vault” full of 1,000's of illegally gained coupon circulars.
2- Don't buy coupons or coupon items (ie Gillette Razors, body wash even pasta) from ebay, swap meets or garage sales. Have you been to the swap meet lately? It's loaded with items that are easily recognized from past sales. Selling coupons on ebay is illegal, coupon clipping services should be.
3- NEVER buy something with a coupon that you intend to return. I would urge stores to stop refunding money when a coupon is used in a transaction and instead give a store credit.
4- Create your food storage based on the needs of your family and not the high you get because it was free.
Coupons are going to change because of the show and of the behavior of the people that give it it's basis. Perhaps the saddest part of all of this coupon fiasco is the growing perception everyday people have of everyday coupon users. Grocery stores are on alert for thieves in the form of stay at home moms. And me, with my little coupon clutch has become a shelf stripper in the eyes of an eight year old.
Janice says
November 6, 2011 at 11:48 pmInstead of wiping out the shelves go to the store service desk and order by the case. My husband and I are retired. Our son needs a liver transplant, his diet is such that he cant have salted foods, sugar or processed meats.He can onl have a couple ounces of chicken, turkey, and fish a day with vegetables and a little pasta. His diet is such that most everything he can eat has to be steamed or raw there no coupons for how he has to eat. I have to buy different foods to feed my family so couponing is a help. We are also raising two of our grand childrew 10 and 12. I just hope all the people and stores realize that illegal couponing is no more than theft. and is making it bad for those who really need couponing.
Kristy says
May 27, 2011 at 2:37 pmI totally agree!! I just started couponing a few months ago and I am so frustrated!!! I go to the store to buy my few items and 99% of the time the shelves have been cleared before 9am on the morning a shipment was received. Some of my local stores have stopped putting items on the shelves so i have to go ask for something I need. This show has unleashed a monster and it needs to be stopped!!!! If it continues, coupons are going to be a thing of the past! So sad!!!
Janice says
November 6, 2011 at 11:34 pmI agree on the illegal actions of couponing. Yes I am from Utah. I have done some couponing but the legal way. I have heard of some couponers who give alot of their products to food banks, homeless shelters and out of work families. Some good does come out of it. However they should do it the right way. There are alot of stuff I don’t use so if I can get it free I will donate it.
Michelle says
May 24, 2011 at 10:15 pmI have been using coupons for a long time – but the past year and a half while my husband was deployed I never really had time to do much with coupons – my 2 children (now 4 and 8 months) are way more important than any coupon or sell that may be going on. I have only seen clips of the show (we don’t have cable because I just can’t find a good reason to pay for it) and it makes me mad. Why would you get things that you don’t and won’t use just because it is a “great” deal? If you don’t use it it isn’t a great deal – even if it is free. I also get really frustrated when some sites tell people to get this great deal so you can donate it – but they don’t think about all the people who actually need a certain item (like baby formula) and when they go to get the deal the shelves are bare.
If you are going to use coupons only get what you will use (don’t have a dog = don’t buy dog food) and only get what you can reasonably use before it expires and if you really want to donate an item that you don’t use then give those who will ample opportunity to get in on the deal before you wipe out the store just to donate (not that I’m against donating – but come on people) Lots of people could benefit from using coupons – but you have to have your priorities straight and put the most important things first in your life.
Jess says
May 23, 2011 at 11:34 pmI’m fairly new to couponing world, and have found that it takes me a long time to look for deals and plan accordingly. I have three children 3yrs old and under, and quit my job to stay at home since last year. It’s awesome, but we do miss the income sometimes. When the show Extreme Couponing came out I did watch it because I wanted to learn… Instead, I got scared! The amount of time they are spending on rounding up all these coupons and then planning a trip is equivalent to a full time job. Which, would not be a bad idea for them to look into since they’re not really “at home” moms taking care of their family. Thank you for staying honest and for bringing all this up to our attention. These Extreme Coupon ladies are indeed giving regular couponers a bad name. It’s such a good idea to stop watching the show! I’m not tuning in anymore.
rk says
May 23, 2011 at 10:55 pmI havent seen the show but Ive read enough about it on the blogs. I agree that things have gotten out of control and I agree with you on many aspects but while one computer, one newspaper rule might work for you because only two people live in your house, for my family of seven thats just not cutting it. Luckily, we have two computers, my mom gives me her newpaper coupons and my Smiths is allowing it. I mean sure we’d still save using only one but we have more than triple the people living in this house.
c4u says
May 24, 2011 at 7:02 amOh, don’t mis-understand. I’ve haven’t forgotten how much hungry kids eat. It’s why I have negotiated discounts on multiple newspaper copies. But, my deal ideas will never show more than the use of one. A recent survey on the site showed that a lot of people still don’t take the paper at all. I think depending on the size of your family and your income and time restraints you should defiantly use the coupons you need. On the other hand it’s important to put a value on your time and not forget the reason you’re staying home in the first place.
Blanche says
December 26, 2017 at 2:54 pmI would like to know what are the secure sources to find coupons for real grocery shopping like fruits, vegetables, meats, milk and healthy stuff?
crystal says
May 23, 2011 at 7:49 pmYou know my thoughts on this subject very well. For those new to the site, finding C4U was one of the greatest things for me. I like you, used to be an extreme couponer. Nothing like that awful show on TLC that I truly despise, but a follower of local blogs that encouraged ordering 5 newspapers and printing from every computer you could get your hands on. I got burnt out and FAST. I hated coupons and the endless hours of getting a free deal. I found this site, and it has forever changed my perception and feelings on coupons and deals. I just need to save a little bit of money on items I actually use and need to help my family out. I have always been so grateful for your wisom and approach. I hope this site will always be worth it for you to help all of the “me” out there.
It is so unfortunate to see the starting of backlash from the show. It’s also sad to see the obsession that consumes so many people. I personally watched the show once in disgust and that was it for me. Thanks for all the tips on what we can do to keep things honest. I would love to pay you back and show my appreciation by taking you to dinner. Thanks for your continued honest approach and sincerity!
TAmara S. says
May 23, 2011 at 3:35 pmI 100% agree. What irks me the most is the extreme savings are due to coupons doubling and most people just do not live in an area where that is an option. Plus I think it is CRUCIAL to take into account the enormous amount of time those shopping trips take. 30+ hours of planning? I believe in moderation in all things but yes they may get a 80-90% savings on groceries but their time and cost of inserts MUST be taken into accounting. Some of these ladies (and I’m sure their children would agree) are true work-aholics, but it’s masked by the fact that they are home but not in a true stay-at-home mom way.
Do you have any idea of how the people who run coupon clipping services obtain their thousand copies of inserts? If newspapers giving their extra inserts to a few select individuals is not allowed than that REALLY bothers me because I just see no other way that these people are getting these quantities of inserts. I’m fine with dumpster diving, gathering them from friends, heck I’m even fine with rescuing them from the recycle bin at the post office. But the lady on the show that had a room for the thousands upon thousands of inserts she had? Something is fishy.
c4u says
May 23, 2011 at 4:01 pmI really don’t know where they come from. The CIC,(coupon information service) Thinks that many are fraudulently printed. I really couldn’t say.
One warning, don’t take them from Postal property, it’s a federal offense and they do prosecute. All mail is protected by federal law including coupons. Good Luck 🙂
Joseph says
May 23, 2011 at 1:58 pmI am a manager at a Ut wags, and have seen first hand what it is doing. There are some people who will not invest the time and effort that it takes to understand and use coupons according to the policies. I find it really frustrating that when a customer states because a blog (not yours) stated that she should get both items free that I should honor it. The sale was a bogo 50% and she presented a bogo Coupon. You still have to pay for the 50% off one. I foresee that coupon policy will become more restrictive and coupon fraud will continue to be a valid concern for businesses. This is because of some people who would rather abuse the system then use the system.
c4u says
May 23, 2011 at 2:57 pmI know the blog. Sorry for your frustration. Have you tried contacting the blogger yourself as a store manager?
May 23, 2011 at 12:31 pmI couldn’t agree more. I have seen a huge amount of change already and it seems that almost everyone I talk to has watched the show and now wants to become a couponer. I am always thrilled to help newbies learn to coupon. I don’t run a site or anything but I have been a couponer for years and have a strong belief in how wonderful it is. However, that being said, my toilet paper does not ever bring me “PURE JOY” nor is my stockpile as cute as any of my kids. I feel bad for some of these people. I agree that we should stop watching. I agree that it is very repetative and that no one in the universe needs 70 bottles of mustard so the “reality” of it is that….its just not reality.
Poor Dr. Phil…with all the crazies out there, how can he possibly ever even make a difference haha! 🙂
Thanks girlies for this site! My family sure does love ya for all your hard work!
Hilary says
May 23, 2011 at 11:00 amI totally agree with you. There is a line which people cross when they become hoarders and stash food under their childrens bed and saving money. They majority of the food they obtain is going to spoil before they can consume it all. I think the whole show is completely set up for the following reasons. The majority of the time when i go to the store and have several coupons for the same item the register restricts it from going through. They have over rode the system. Also when the register locks it has been set up they know there is a limit to how many items can be scaned on one transaction. With time the hype of the show will fade and people will find they no longer have the time to clip all of those coupons and hopefully couponers will no longer have a bad name!!
kaman says
May 23, 2011 at 12:54 amI just want to thanks for spending the time on this post and I agree with you 100%. I did not see the show which the mother said about her stock pile as beautiful as her children. That’s just pathetic!
I don’t watch extreme couponing, neither I check out those extreme couponer sites. I only have a “three boxes stock pile” which is fine with me and my family.
BTW,I do cherish reading book with my kids more than cutting out coupons for sure!