Hostess Sno Balls make me think of my childhood. We didn't buy many prepared treats but occasionally we would go to the Wonder Bread/Hostess Outlet store that was close to our home to buy bread and we would get to pick a treat like Zingers, HoHo's or Sno Balls. I can still remember standing there trying to choose! So, when I saw these orange Sno Balls at the store, I couldn't resist grabbing some and that's when my kids and I decided to make them into Double Stack Pumpkin Cupcakes!
To make Double Stack Pumpkin Cupcakes you will need: 6 cupcakes (your favorite recipe or box mix, white or yellow works best), a can of white frosting, a box of Hostess SnoBalls, one watermelon AirHead and 3+ Tootsie Rolls. (I found the orange SnoBalls and the orange cupcake liners at Walmart.)
- Start by baking a batch of your favorite cupcakes in orange cupcake liners. After they have cooled, cut off the top of each cupcake so that it is perfectly flat and doesn't go over the cupcake liner.
- Lightly frost the top of each cupcake making sure not to get it too close to the edge of the cupcake. You don't want the frosting to ooze out, just to act like glue for the SnoBall.
- Place a SnoBall on top of each frosted cupcake.
Using a sharp, pointy knife, make a cut in the top-middle of each SnoBall.
- Cut the Air Head into thin strips and cut each strip in half. Twist it to look like a “vine”.
- Cut the Tootsie Rolls in half, lengthwise. Using your fingers, shape it to look like a pumpkin stem. I also like to use a sharp knife to “cut” some lines into the Tootsie Roll to make it look more realistic.
- Put the Tootsie Roll stem and Air Hed Vine into the opening in the top of each SnoBall.
- Enjoy!
Double Stack Pumpkin Cupcakes are as fun to make as they are to eat. They are super simple and a very kid-friendly cooking project!
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