UPDATE: This coupon is no longer available.
There is a very high value coupon on Walmart's website right now. Hop over and score a coupon valid for $1.50 off any one Flavor of HillShire Farms Smoked Sausage!
Note: in order to get the higher value you need to share the coupon with three of your friends via email, Facebook or Twitter. If you don't want to share you can print a $0.55 off one coupon.
Make sure to press your browsers back button and print two. Those that don't have a printer can request this one via USPS. Just click on the “blue” help button at the bottom of the coupon page.
**New to printing internet coupons? You are allowed to print 2 per computer. Photocopies are not permitted. You will need to allow the coupon printing app to access.
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