If your kids are like mine, they love to create. I love to see them be creative and encourage it because I think it's really important for their motor skills and brain development. The problem is, where to put all of those precious masterpieces so that you can finally uncover your refrigerator again! Today we have 7 frugal ways to hang children's art so that it can be enjoyed instead of just creating more clutter.
- Use a metal door and magnets – This is how I deal with my kid's artwork. We have a metal door that leads to the garage that is the perfect place to create a gallery that we see every time we leave the house. I love that it's so easy to change out the artwork that they kids can do it themselves. All I had to do is post one of my favorite quotes (you can download this at The Happy Scraps Blog) and bought a set of cute magnets and voila!
- Recycle Old Frames – Love this colorful idea from Shanty to Chic. Inexpensive frames are usually easy to find at thrift stores, yard sales and even dollar stores. Just spray paint and insert scrapbook paper and attach a clip. You can also use fabric or cork inside of the frame.
- Wire and Clip System – This cool 5 minute art display system comes from True Aim. All you need is eye hooks, picture hanging wire and mini binder clips (or you could use mini clothes pins). So simple and so inexpensive!
- Digital Photos – This is another way I like to “keep” my kid's artwork. It's as easy as pulling out your phone or camera and snapping a photo. It's SO fun to look back at the photos as your kids get older to see how far they've come. Having a digital photo means you don't have to store all of the art pieces and makes it easy to create photo books full of their artwork. Wouldn't that be a fun coffee table book!
- Clipboards – I love this clipboard wall of art from White House, Black Shutters. Basic clipboards are usually $1-$2 each and provide an easy way to rotate artwork.
- Extra Large Fabric Covered Bulletin Board – See our tutorial on how to make this extra large, 40×32 inch bulletin board. This bulletin board will hold 16 (8.5×11) pieces of art, so there is plenty of room to pin lots of artwork.
- Pants Hangers – If you are looking for a really creative and quick way to hang artwork? See how Honestly used pants hangers to create a gallery wall. I love that they painted and personalized the hangers!
What is your favorite way to display kids artwork? Do you keep all of the art that comes home from school? Leave us a comment and let us know what works for you.
“You can't use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have.” Maya Angelou
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