Here's the 2022 updated list of discounts that are available for Loveland Planet Aquarium in Draper.
We'll keep this post updated as offers become available so, you may want to bookmark it. These are the current offers we're finding.
Plan Ahead Pricing save by purchasing your tickets days ahead online! This can save you up to 35% off regular ticket prices. This option allows you to view the calendar and see which dates in advance are cheapest.
Family Night: Every Monday from 4-8 pm you can save $5 off regular price when you purchase your tickets online.
Group Rates: Groups of 20 or more paying individuals are entitled to a discount on admission providing one person pays for the entire group and the group enters together through one entry at one time. Save $2 per ticket. Must call 801-355-FISH ext. 225 to purchase.
-Special Rates: Discounts are offered for students, seniors, and military members.
Annual Membership – If you plan on visiting more than twice, an annual membership will save you money,
ZAP sponsored Day's: ZAP (zoo, arts, parks) will sponsor $2 Aquarium tickets typical on one day in October or November. Watch their social media for exact dates.
Adults $28.95
Children (3 to 12): $21.95
Children 2 and younger: Free
Note: online reservations are encouraged
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